Monday, October 7, 2013

Get closer

       There is one lesson from the interview really impressed me that even in the Great Depression, the relationship among people were much closer than now. Although they didin't have enough food, parents tried their best to make their children get enough to eat. Brothers and sisters paid more attention than people do today.
       It really touch the deep bottom of my heart. Although the economy is rising rapidly, the relationship of people are getting further and further. People don't care about the people around them, even it is their family. People is becoming aloof. That is not what our society is supposed to be. Back to those years, without enough food to eat and enough clothes to keep warm, people get together warming each other by the heat of their hearts. That is what we should learn from them.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Pi in Denver

      I'm thinking if the main character of  the Life of Pi, Pi, is a student of ELC, there might be a lof of fun. Pi is a modest and shy boy, therefore, he will be a outstanding student. He will be curious about everthing new and makes friends with his classmate. At least, I will be pleased to be his friend becasue I can hear plenty of fascinating stories from him. Undoubtedly, the place he wants to visti in Denver must be the zoo. Although there are numerous fantasitic places to go in Denver, he was born and rised in his father's zoo, he must have some special emotion about the animals. I believe he will be a extremely nice person to make friend with. He is compassionate, kind and friendly. All of these are the characters a closed friend should be made of. Obviously, he is a completely animal fan, therefore, I think he will have a dog or cat, and he will enjoy walking his pet everyday after dinner. If Pi is really living in Denver, I will be passionate about hanging out wiht him. It must be a lot of fun.

Monday, September 30, 2013

     There is a crucial reason why we need to make a food budget. Sometimes, we spend a lot of money, which is away more than you expectation, on food, monthly. Most of us vastly underestimate how much we actually spend. When it comes to the end of the month, the expense is surprisingly high. Someone might think the expense of food is what it is and we have nothing to do with it. However, when we start to make a food budget, we will be in charge of our money easily.

     There are two main steps to make a food budget. Firstly, you need to track your daily expense specificly. Keep eveything in track and do not cheat yourself. You shouldn't ignore even one dollar because it can add up to a surprising number at the end of the month. Secondly, you make a plan on what you necessarily need to buy and cut out others you don't need. In addition, it will be a good way to save the money by making the food yourself instead of going to the restuarant.
How to Create a Grocery Budget  by  Terry
How to Create A Monthly Budget For Food  by  Sandy Baker

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Project homeless connect

   When I was told we were going to help those homeless people on last Friday, I was so excited about that. I thought it was a nice opportunity for me practice my oral English. In addition, it was also an extremely meaningful event for both of the students and homeless people. Furthermore, it is a extraordinary experience for me to sever the public. I couldn't even help thinking about it in my mind again and again. I was really looking forward to taking part in the event.

  However, when I got there on Friday morning, I found the things were a little bit out of imagination. When we walked on the sidewalk outside the convention center, I saw lots of homeless people sitting on the ground and waiting for our help. They looked so helpless and hopeless. I started to worry if I can really do something for them, am I truly helpful. I took my cell phone out, and it was 9 o'clock.

  After all the registration stuff, the guest I served occurred. It was a lady with her 4-year-old son. She checked all the services she wanted to receive first, and she sent his child to the child care center. Then, we started to make everything in the right track. But there were thousands of people there, so the line for each service was extremely long, and I did spend a huge amount of time in waiting in line. Especially for the ID service, waiting in line took us about 1 hour. Unfortunately, the lady lost her SAMSUNG cell phone. We couldn't find it in the lost and found or the counter where we thought she lost her cell phone. I saw the sadness from her eyes, it looked so frustrated and sad and I couldn't even say a word to comfort her. By the time he left, we didn't still find her cell phone. Looking at the view of her son and her, I felt so disappointed and  exhausted.

  I did learn something from those homeless people, which I will never forget. It was a meaningful but frustrating day, however, that is how life works. Life doesn't go easy on anybody.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


    When it is the time to have to say goodbye, who can hold it back? the summer in 1994, we still remember the 17-year-old immature face aside the World cup, that was your first time to feel the victory. Eindhoven was your beginning in Europe, we started to knew you with bunny teeth, you started your dream there. After that, you showed us you break through 5-people defence in a row, we knew the alien came. people are chasing their dreams when they are 20 years old, but you had already get everyone's admiration.  In 1998, the summer of France was unforgettable, because you knew how bitter the defeat was. You were proud of the team in Black and Blue, you significant dribbling was name after you. In Real Mardrid, we still remember the celebration for your lovers, however, soccer

Lost in Munich

     The worst news i heard during these days was Bayern beated Barcelona with a surprising 4-0. In recent years, Barcelone almost dominate the Europe in soccer, there was and there is not a team can confidently say they are able to beat Barcelona. However, what happened in two days ago makes me consider that maybe it is time Bayern to take over. On the one hand, the injuries of several key players did affect the competitiveness of Barcelona, expecialy Puyol and Mashcerano. the best player Messi also played the game with pain. However, it could be the excuse losing the game. On the other hand, Bayern showed us how strong they were. The long distance pass, shoting, passing and other satistic were better than Barcelona. They deserveed the voctory. As a fanatic fan of Barcelona, I won't be apart with Barcelona, sometimes the defeat is not a bad thing. We must know what mistakes we made and we need to find out how to fix it. Even if there is barely chance for Barcelona to go to the final, but the team Barcelona will fight till the last minute. They will be back next season.

History of Soccer

     Soccer is one of the most popular sports in Europe. However the original place of soccer is not Europe. Surprisingly, it is China. Early evidence of soccer being played as a sport finds occurrence in China during the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC. In China, it was during the Han dynasty that people dribbled leather balls by kicking it into a small gate. The inventer of the soccer was a man working for Emperor, he wanted the military to play the game killing the time. Recorded facts also support the fact that Romans and Greeks used to play ball for fun and frolic. Some facts point to Kyoto in Japan where kicking of ball was a popular sport. It is said that early growth of the modern soccer started in England. Some amusing facts even mention that the first ball used was the head of some Danish brigand. It is said that during medieval times, the old form of soccer used to allow many ill practices like kicking, punching, biting and gouging. The main aim was to carry the ball to a target spot. People grew so fond of the game that they would throng the field all day long. Sometimes the competition grew fierce and masses got so wild that there were frequent incidents of violence during the game.

My favor in sccer

When I was still a young little boy, I attracted by soccer after watching the Final game of 2002 World Cup. I was dreaming to be a professional soccer player when I was in elementary school, and I practiced it hard in order to being outstanding among those boys at my age. I had all my passion on soccer and I was completely in it. At that time, I watched the Real Marid's game every weekend because my favorite player was there. Time after time, I became more skilled and I was fortunate enough to be chosen as a member of  my high school team. Being identified made me confident and I was doing better and better. To my surprise, I won the best shoter prize on the local high school soccer league. That was the most unbelievable thing happened in my high school period. Even now, I still feel passionate on the soccer, and I will definitely watch every soccer game if i have time. From my perspective, soccer is not only a game, it is a kind of spirit. It teaches me how to insist what I believe, it teaches me how to fight during the tough time, it teaches me how to take the responsibility on my shoulder. Soccer let me know how to be a man. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Davie Beckham

     Davie Beckham is a legendary soccer player. The first time I knew Beckham was when I was in elementary school. I didn't too much about soccer but Davie Beckham was truly a name my every classmate was familiar to. Because of his handsome appearance and undoubtedly, extraordinary skill. Even now, I can still remember the goal hapeed in 1996, MU againist Wimbledon. His goal from kick-off circle was an unbelievable score in the soccer game. However, the most alluring quality of Davie Beckham is never giving up. As one of the best right halfbacks in the history of England, he had his tough time after the game againist Agrentina in 1998 World Cup, because his reasonless behavior made the England lose the vital game. He became negative for a while after that. Sadly, he got some death threat from some extrmists. However, He went throught it and overcame plenty of difficulities which was beyond our imagination. Even now, as a 37 years old soccer player, which is an relatively older age for pro soccer player, he is still fighting in the soccer ground for Paris with all of his passion and faith. He is not only a soccer player but also a free-kick master and a respectable soccer worrior fighting in the field.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Who is the best soccer player?

     Who is the best soccer player now? It has been discussed for several years and it is still a controversy. Messi and C. Ronaldo are both the most talented and remarkable soccer players, and there is no doubt about that. Therefore, I will compare different aspects of them and we will know clearly who is the best soccer player in this world.
     The first time Messi played as a pro soccer player was in 2003, in the next 10 years, he started to dominate the soccer world. He won 2 Europe Super Cups, 3 Spain Super Cup, 2 Cup de Rel, 5 Spainish League Champion, 3 Europe Champion League and 2 World Club Cup in Barcelona. He was chosen to be the FIFA world player for 4 times. He is the only one who can do that since ever. in addition, He got 91 goals last year and that is the most goals a player can score in one year. It is the world record. However, C. Ronaldo just won the FIFA world player for one time. We can easily tell who is best soccer player in this world.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Retirement of Michael Owen

     One week ago, the famous English soccer player, Michael Owen announced  he had made the decision this would be the last season as a professional soccer player. Suddenly, I felt lost in the bottom of my heart. Because he was not only a soccer player, but also he was the symbol of talented players in that golden ages of soccer. To be honest, I almost tore down when I heard this news. I can still remember that Michael Owen scored against Brazil in 2002, he won the FIFA World Player of the Year in 2001. It is like yesterday. Everything is similar but different. In China, people give him a nickname called "the boy chasing the wind" because of his dribbling. Time goes by, he is not young any more and he finally decides to retire. However, he will always be the boy chasing the wind.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

What Is Offside?

    Offside is a professional word in soccer. From the dictionary, we can find that offside is the mistake of occupying an illegal position on the playing field. However, what does an illegal position means? I will attend to explain it in following paragraph.
     To be honest, it is relatively difficult to understand the definition of offside. Technologically, when one of the offense team players is in the position where there is no one else from opposite team between he and their goalkeeper, and his teammate is passing the ball. It is called offside. the picture above shows us an example. when Pippo's teammate is about to release the ball and there is no Real Madrid's players between Pippo and Casillas who is the goalkeeper of Real Madrid. that is what we call offside.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Different Positions in Soccer Tem

     There are eleven players in a soccer team, and each person plays his own part in the team. Apparently, different positions require players' diverse quality. Therefore, when all the players work and cooperate together, they will make a better team. I will attend to classify those different positions and demonstrate the differences.
     To win the game, an intrepid defense is necessary. In each team, there are about five or six players are focus on defense. All they need to do is stealing the soccer from the opponents. CB means center back, his job is keep the soccer from getting into the gate. LB/RB means left back/right back. they are also defenders but sometimes after they get the ball, they will organize the offense. DMF is defending midfielders, they are very good at stealing and they are usually strong enough, therefore they won't get behind during physical confrontation.
     To get the goal, it depends on the attacking players. AMF are attacking midfielders. They are the soul of the team. They connect backfield and frontfield so that the whole team can work smoothly. Usually, they are good at holding the ball and passing. CF means center forwards. They are the players who attack and goal. They are like sensitive hunters, once they sense the opportunity to get score, they will show that how eager they are to get the score.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

How to Make An Excellent Team

    Nowadays, FC Barcelona almost dominates the soccer world in Europe. They won two European Championships in recent years, which is truly difficult to make it for most of other clubs. Therefore, people have some questions and confusion in their mind. How to make a excellent team? I will attend to explain it using FC Barcelona as an example.
    1.There must be at least one or two super stars as the soul of the team. Apparently, those super stars will lead the team and make the teammates play harder and more efficient. For example, Messi, Xavi and Iniesta are absolutely soul of FC Barcelona and they lead the team to the victory.
    2.A extremely professional and extraordinary coach is required for a excellent soccer team like Barcelona. Josep Guardiola was the coach of FC Barcelona and he won the FIFA best coach of 2011 because of his outstanding work. Right now, Tito Vilanova is leading FC Barcelona to get better and better
    3. Passionate fans are energy to support the team to go forward. Each time when there is a game of FC Barcelona in Camp Nou Stadium which is the host stadium of FC Barcelona, those super fans will do all the thing they can do for their team. They yell when there is a goal from Barcelona, they sing when other teams are leading the game. They always cheer players up when they are a little lost.
    These three points is the necessary thing for the team to be successful.